Border to Coast Asset Managers Days: Feedback and Materials
Posted on July 2nd, 2018

At the beginning of June, Border to Coast hosted a series of sessions with the asset management industry where we gave an overview of our plans, timetable, procurement process and our expectations for those asset managers who will be successful in any future procurement process. A summary of the materials covered in the sessions can be found here.
We had some great, interactive sessions with around 130 different asset management organisations over the two days. The feedback from attendees was very positive and it is likely that we will look to run further sessions in the future, targeted around particular fund launches or investment capabilities: please let us know via if you would like to be added to the invite list for such events, or keep an eye out on our website and/or Linked In page for further details.
Our first Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is due to be issued later this week. This will cover asset management services for our UK Equity fund which is due to launch in Q4 2018. The RFP will be posted on the MyTenders portal ( If you have any queries regarding this RFP they should be submitted to Responses to all questions will be posted on the MyTenders portal.
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